hi! welcome.

i'm so happy you came to visit my site, there's just a few things to address before you come in:

i do not support closed-source software... usually. what do i mean by that? well, most of the time, i try to use free and open-source computer programs like linux distros and libreoffice. but if i need a certain program for a certain platform that isn't avalible by any other legal means, let's say... a comic book reader software, i'll buy it. but if there is an alternative, i will download and use it instead. what i'm trying to say here is that normally, i'll try to use open-source software whenever i can, and if i can't, i'll buy the closed-source/non-free version/alternative.

i am a proud linux user(as mentioned before)! i use ubuntu with gnome and xfce4. i've always had a strange affinity for unix-based oses like macos and linux. my dad had a mac that he used(and still uses!) for his music. i would always be very amazed when i saw him working on an operating system that was like linux. i have a dual-booted linux-windows laptop that i'm writing this on, the only reason i still have windows on it is because i have some apps that i need for my ipod.

alright! with that out of the way, are you ready to jump into my site? click the button to go to my homepage.